One Classy Black & Flame Car

Technic Getaway Racer (42046) 3/4 view

And tis done, the Technic Getaway Racer (42046) that I’ve been slowly building this past week. It’s not that it takes that long, in fact overall build time was under 2 hours, I just did it in small doses when I had time and concentration.

I love the final result, looks even better than the box cover images and really solid, a good size also, being approximately 7 1/2″ in length overall. The decals are effective too, even if a tad tricky to put on straight, they really lift the overall look, especially on the wheels. The styling is very reminiscent of the 1920s cars beloved of Chicago gangsters, but with a modern twist, and as ever there were plenty of “oh, clever!” moments during assembly as I realised how certain aspects of the design had been achieved.

The pull-back-and-release mechanism does exactly what its supposed to, and of course adds some weight to the car making it satisfying to hold and play with, there was much delight as the racer zoomed across the landing and then back again, although the rubber wheels picked up a lot of dust and bits from the carpet even in that short trip.

It’s re-affirmed my love of building cars, though I still think I’d rather stick to the kind that use a more traditional approach with the standard bricks and a few Technic elements rather than a full Technic design. In the meantime this holds pride of place on my bedside cabinet (closely watched by a wee mech-dragon and a plastic Lego-clone mini T-Rex). Well, until the next build supplants it to the Lego shelf I set up here in the study.

Technic Getaway Racer (42046) rear view

Technic Getaway Racer (42046) - top view

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